Record-breaking rainfall across QLD and NSW has forced residents to evacuate. People have lost their homes, their pets, and tragically, some have even lost their lives. Our hearts break for everyone affected as we watch this climate disaster unfold. And we're angrier than ever at the incompetency of this government.
This is what the climate crisis looks like.
By 2050, 1.2 billion new climate refugees around the world could be displaced by these severe weather events.
As global temperatures continue to rise, weather patterns become more inconsistent, extreme, and dangerous.
If we don’t act to prevent further temperature rise – caused by emissions – floods, fires, and severe droughts are going to become more common. This year's floods have been a catalytic event forcing us to consider climate related disasters when choosing where to live and, by 2050, 1.2 billion new climate refugees around the world could be displaced by these severe weather events. Entire islands will disappear (including our Torres Strait Islands) and so will much of our beautiful coastline.
We have to act fast, and we have to act now.
What we're doing
Unfortunately, we're not the government. We can't pass legislation which would change the lives of Australians for generations to come.
But, we are garment manufacturers, and we've donated over $10,000 worth of Tees (through Lifeline and Thread Together) to be distributed to people who've lost everything.
In the scheme of things, it's not much, and it feels inconsequential, but we hope it's one less thing for affected families to think about.
What you can do

Each of us (financial situation allowing) can help alleviate the suffering and risk caused by the floods and ensure better public safety measures are in place for the future.
If you want to support people and animals struggling right now, here are a few options:
- Donate to local State Emergency Services.
- Donate via GIVIT which connects grass-roots groups with items they need for their critical work.
- Donate to Wildlife Rescue Queensland and Wildcare Australia, who are caring for displaced and injured wildlife.
We also need to work to halt the climate crisis – otherwise we're (metaphorically and literally) trying to mop water off the floor without turning off the tap. We have to cut carbon emissions. We have to halt further deforestation and vegetation clearing.
The most significant thing we can do to help is to vote out the people who aren't taking the climate crisis seriously.
The Greens want to make coal and gas companies pay for flood damages, and transition Australia to 100% renewables. The Liberal government gives billions of dollars to fossil fuel companies. Vote. Them. Out.
While we push for government action on this, a great way to increase your individual impact is to get involved with climate groups.
HalfCut raises money to buy back land in the Daintree Rainforest. Some of our team is curretly taking HalfCut's REWILD Challenge and you can get involved too at
Another great group is SEED Mob, an Indigenous youth led climate network campaigning for climate justice.
If those two aren't for you, there are plenty more initiatives out there for you to choose from. Find the one that fits your lifestyle and suits you best.
We're thinking of everyone impacted by the floods right now, and of everyone at risk of further climate related crises in the future.